General information on theses
Note: This page serves only as an overview of the essential steps in the preparation of a thesis, and despite careful examination of the information does not claim to be up to date and free of errors. The valid information in case of doubt can be found in the corresponding examination (procedure) regulations!
After determining the topic and the task, the work must first be registered. For this purpose, the corresponding form must be filled out and signed by the supervisors (staff, professors).
The examination office will send a confirmation by mail after processing the registration. Based on the deadline indicated in the confirmation, the processing time is usually a maximum of 6 months for
Bachelor's theses a maximum of 6 months, but at least 3 months;
Master's theses a maximum of 6 months, but at least 5 months.
A total of three bound copies must be prepared for submission: One for the first examiner, one for the second examiner, and one for the examination office. Furthermore, a CD-ROM with a PDF version of the thesis is required. All copies and the data carrier must be submitted to the Examinations Office by the given deadline, where receipt will be noted.
During the submission process, a date for the colloquium should also be set with the reviewers, which usually takes place after the completion of the reviews. Again, a form must be filled out and sent to the examination office. At the colloquium, the essential points of the work should be presented in a 20-minute lecture, after which the reviewers have the opportunity to ask questions about the work.
Further information and links
- Forms and leaflets of the MINT examination office: registration of theses, structure of the cover sheet, scheduling of colloquium.
- LaTeX templates for the thesis and the colloquium presentation slides can be obtained from the supervisor upon request.