- AnoMed: Competence cluster anonymization for medical applications (BMBF)
- CoContext: Distributed clustering methods for audio fingerprints for contact context estimation
- EDIH.SH: European Digital Innovation Hub Schleswig-Holstein
- HaSPro: Verifiable Hardware Security for Out-of-Order Processors (DFG)
- MLens: Privacy-preserving distributed smartphone applications to train a classifier for ECG-based diseases
- PRIVEE: Privacy-preserving extensions of contact-tracing apps
- RILKOSAN: Resilient communication systems with high availability of networks and devices (BMBF)
- SAM-Smart: Security Assistence Manager for the Smart Home (BMBF)
- SASVI: Security at all Levels for Networked Systems and Devices in Critical Infrastructures (BMBF)
- SILGENTAS: Security in the intelligent networked home (BMBF)
- SILKOSTU: Safety in intelligent communication between road users and urban infrastructure (BSI)
- Sec4IoMT: Security for the Internet of Medical Things (BMBF)
- VeDS: Trustworthy data exchange for distributed power grids (Land Schleswig-Holstein)
- EMSIK: Endpoint Monitoring to Protect Industry 4.0 in SMEs (EU.SH)
- ENCOPIA: ENabling COnnected PrIvacy Assurance (BMBF)
- HARPY: Protecting Cloud CPU-FPGA Platforms from Microarchitectural Attacks (Intel)
- Jupiter: Unique Identification for trusted Mikroelektronics in Chiplets (BMBF)
- KI-Lab: KI Lab Lübeck (BMBF)
- KI-SIGS: KI-Space für intelligente Gesundheitssysteme (BMWI)
- PeT-HMR: Automated penetration-testing through artificial intelligence (BMBF)
- PQC4MED: Efficient and Secure Implementation of Post Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Medical Devices (BMBF)
- SecFShare: Secure Sharing of FPGAs in the Cloud (DFG)
- STACC: Stopping Microarchitectural Attacks through Constant-time Code (DFG)